Gateway to the Town of Aylmer
The Town of Aylmer has a population of approximately 7018 persons. We offer a diversity of property types including commercial business, light industries and a large residential base.
The Town of Aylmer is part of the Communities in Bloom program and was the Provincial Champion with 5 Blooms in 2003 with top honours in the Ontario Region Turf and Ground Cover.
The Town's gateway was installed in July of 2004 on John Street North and is represented by large rocks weighing 5000 pounds in total.

The Town of Aylmer Municipal Office
The Town Hall was built in 1913. It was constructed in a Romanesque style, popular for public buildings in Ontario during this period. It was home to the Town Post Office, but now serves as the Town's municipal office.

The Old Town Hall Theatre (Opera House)
The Old Town Hall was built in 1874 with the first floor being used for Municipal and Police Offices, Council Meetings and Court Hearings. The second floor hosted minstrel shows, public meetings and social gatherings.
Today the first floor is home to the Public Library. The second floor was restored in 1988 into an Opera House and is available for rentals. Please call 519-773-4900 for detailed information on booking the Old Town Hall Theatre.

Industrial Park
Owned by the municipality 80 acres Very flat terrain Price range - $15,000 - 35,000 per acre Parcels sized to meet client needs SERVICING UNLIMITED RESOURCES Water - Elgin Area Water System Sewage Treatment - Aylmer Lagoons - expanded in 2000 Hydro - Erie Thames Power Corp. (27600) - municipality owned power company Natural Gas - NRG, Aylmer Communications - Amtelecom Rail - Trillium (short track) Railway

East Elgin Medical Facility
This facility located at 424 Talbot Street West in Aylmer, was established through the support of the Town of Aylmer, Township of Malahide and the Municipality of Central Elgin. These communities joined forces to produce a medical facility focusing on recruiting health professionals to provide health care to our citizens. Collectively we continue to develop and expand our services for the betterment of our citizens.
The facility has an elevator to accommodate the two levels each consisting of 7500 square feet. The board room in the lower level is available for rental, please see attached for additional booking information.
