The Elgin Federation of Agriculture
The EFA is a local, general farm organization affiliated with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and dedicated to uniting Elgin County's farming community through grassroots leadership and cooperation to address rural concerns
450 Sunset Drive, Room 228; St. Thomas, N5R 5V1
Phone: (519) 633-0114; Fax: (519) 633-6082
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 10 - 2pm, Wed 10 - 1pm
What are the main objectives of the Elgin Federation of Agriculture?
To develop and consolidate farmer opinion for the promotion of any activity within the county which will improve the welfare of the individual farmer and the farming industry.
To bring viewpoints and concerns of the membership to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture for policy development and action and, in turn, to interpret OFA policy so developed to all members in the county.
To facilitate the spread of information, of concern to the farming industry, to all farmers in the county.
To represent the farmers' interests in all areas of the policymaking process in the county
Who are the members of the Elgin Federation of Agriculture?
- Farmers of the present and farmers retired.
- Farm families and employees.
- Agri-Business and agriculturally related organizations.
- Any person or entity involved in the farming industry.
- Board of Directors/Executive
Of what benefit is Elgin Federation of Agriculture to the community?
Aside from providing the essential link between local farmers and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, the Elgin Federation of Agriculture organizes and sponsors several local projects which are of direct benefit to the community, as follows:
- Lobbying for farmers on agricultural issues (Farm Forum).
- Responding to current county issues for farmers (Gas Pipeline, Hydro Lines & Bell Canada negotiations).
- Promoting and participating in agricultural awareness programs (Car-A-Van, Elgin Plowing Match).
- Contributing financially and voluntarily for the betterment of agriculture through leadership development (Grants to local Fairs, Agriculture in the Classroom, Elgin Farm Safety Council, Environmental Farm Plan, Young Farmer's Forum).
These are only a few of the many worthwhile projects undertaken by the EFA.
How is the Elgin Federation of Agriculture funded?
The Elgin Federation of Agriculture is funded directly through Ontario Federation of Agriculture membership fees.
When are the meetings of the Elgin Federation of Agriculture?
Regular meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm. Meetings are held in Room 228, the Elgin County Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St.Thomas.